Friday, June 27, 2008

The first one

As MLTR puts it, I am not an actor...I am not a star...Well...I am not a writer and blogging is the last thing on earth I would do. But all started with an idea today morning...I was feeling drowsy and could not wake up...thats not unusual btw...I somehow managed to get myself to the kitchen and I saw a pack of 4 Red Bulls...and I thought...why not have one! kinda like...I woke up in the morning and I got myself a Red Bull...and so I did...and I have been feeling great since...Though I am likely to not do this every still is a great way to start one's day...especially for entrepreneurs like us who find it easier to work througout the night but find it tough to start a well with this I close my first entry to my blog-living on red bull...I dont really know how this blog would shape up...but am sure its gonna have a lot of stuff to do with entrepreneurship and its close relation to Red Bull!